February 12, 2025

What it Takes to be a Successful Celebrity Impersonator in 2022

Celebrity impersonators are some of the most skilled performers, able to change everything about their appearance to melt into the persona of another person.  From classic Elvis to newer Rhianna: these professionals keep busy!

This is what celebrity impersonators are getting successful for in 2022!

Getting Hired for Parties

Parties are one of the most popular places for impersonators to get hired!


  Not only is it fun to be at a party and suddenly see Beyonce walk by, but it’s also just entertaining to see celebrities doing regular tasks, even if it’s not really them!  Parties will be the top employer for celebrity impersonators in 2022.

Posing for High-Pay Events

On June 21st, many people thought they saw Snoop Dogg at an NFT NYC conference, where he’s selling highly argued-about digital items based on his own branding.  Instead, what they saw was Dupe Snogg: an impersonator hired by Snoop Dogg to drum up excitement.

This boosted this impersonator up in popularity, and his impersonator name quickly became a trending topic on Twitter within hours.  Although the world knew he wasn’t Snoop Dogg, his clever renaming allowed for the impersonator to gain popularity; on top of the thousands, he was already getting paid for the day’s work.

Causing Misunderstandings on Social Media

How would you feel if you were a celebrity, and someone said they hung out with you all day yesterday: even though you weren’t there?  A popular trend at the beginning of 2022 was for people to pose and post with celebrity impersonators and try to pass them off as real people.  This is used to boost social clout and gain a mixture of jealousy and popularity from their followers and the new followers that pour in from posting this.  Although generally, people get caught for this behavior, and the impersonators are revealed: it’s still a wild phenomenon.

Helping With Tik Tok

In late 2021, and early 2022, several deep fake accounts came forward claiming to be celebrities like Tom Cruise.  The way they were able to do this so convincingly was that they hired a professional impersonator who already had many of the traits and features of the celebrity and then applied a deepfake filter over their face to make it even more convincing.  This resulted in many millions of people following these accounts, convinced they were the real celebrities.  

Although the comments are always flooded with people setting others straight that it’s fake, it’s wild to see the mix of technology and classic hands-on skill turn into something so convincing.  

Gaining More Jobs Than Ever Before

Celebrity impersonators, and impersonators in general, are making far more money than they have in recent years.  Able to grab more gigs and take on far more work than used to be available for this line of work.  Now, instead of a side gig, this is becoming a real career path people can follow as long as they’re able to keep their looks or ability to transform with makeup and clothing.

2022 is the Year of the Impersonator!

This is the year for people who want to be convincing fakes!  If you’re convinced this is the job for you: consider giving it a try!