February 11, 2025

GOATs was the biggest problem of Overwatch

If you are thinking that Sigma is the reason for the double barrier meta arrival, then think again. He is just a new barrier holding a hero that could be used in every way possible. The main reason for such a disaster is hiding in the died GOATs composition. Blizzard tried to kill it too many times before they succeed with the Role Queue. A lot of heroes were nerfed in order to defeat this monster, like D.Va, Brigitte and many more. When Blizzard’s developers understand what have they done, I hope that they would bring back these nerfed heroes to the competitive level.

GOAT composition

For the newcomers – GOATs is the best team composition in Overwatch that was being abused for the whole year. It consisted from three tanks, three healers and it dominated in OWL and in casual competitive games. GOAT comp heavily relied on the Reinhardt, Brigitte, and Zarya and that forced developers to nerf those heroes to decrease the dominance of GOATs. But not only these three, D.Va and Lucio were nerfed as well because these characters were a major part of the team. They grant sustainability and mobility to the core heroes and that was the only thing that makes them so strong.

At the Official Overwatch League channels is also commonly referred to as triple-triple composition or 3-3. The most interesting that this composition does not include damage dealers at all, everything and everybody relies on tanks and healers with the damage-dealing potential.

This composition was so popular that North American OW Contenders team named themselves as GOATS and used only this combination of heroes in every match. Their competitors quickly understand the power of such a team and soon almost every team in Overwatch League mirrored them and for the whole year in the official matches, we observed the struggle of two GOAT teams.

Upcoming nerfs

That could not have been left without the proper attention from the side of developers and to reduce their effectiveness Blizzard had tried a ton of options. No one of them has worked and they decided to make one simple thing, they force players to pick two supports, two tanks, and two damage dealers. I hope that after a short period of time they will reverse all the changes that were done to kill GOATS. For example, Lucio’s speed boost in the current state is extremely useless, it almost does not work for his tanks, while Brigitte toolkit was hardly nerfed and there is no sense in prioritizing her over Moira or Baptiste. If Blizzard would buff such heroes as D.Va and Wrecking Ball they could be considered as a nice alternative to Sigma and Orisa.

Overwatch in the current state requires a big balancing patch that will create more options for all players. Right now, if you are interested in overwatch boosting without any services, like https://expertboosting.com, you are forced to pick only meta heroes. Developers must take some actions to add some diversity to the meta heroes pool.