February 12, 2025

Reclaimed Timber Flooring – What Is It And Why Use It?

People are gaining more and more aware consciousness about global warming. They are adapting the recycle and reuse mantra to contribute toward saving the planet and its environment. Currently, reclaimed timber flooring is growing popular. Before you visit the Gold Coast flooring company – 689 Pty Ltd for buying a flooring material get familiar with reclaimed timber flooring’s pros and cons.

Reclaimed timber is salvaged from abandoned and old wooden structures. The timber source is usually left to decay and rot years ago. Due to exposure and age, the main aspect of the reclamation process includes stripping the boards and pulling out the rusted nails. Then the timber is processed and different products are created including flooring. Recycled wood sources are barns, railways, wharves, weathered power poles, old warehouses, etc. The floor installer from Gold Coast uses reclaimed timber flooring for constructing patios, pergolas, and other outdoor structures.

How does the timber reclamation process work?

The timber source is thoroughly checked for bugs and pests in the wood decay because if left untreated it can cause issues. Water damage, old paint, and other flaws are removed before processing the old timber. The flaws can cause issues while processing and no homeowner desires to experience chemical contamination.

Old timber is dried, if it is sourced from the open areas experiencing high humidity. Water can cause wood to buckle or warp. Mold can develop instantly. Drying lumber seals the wood against more deterioration before it reaches the market for sale. The final process is to mill the timber into flooring planks. It is packaged and stored without stains.

Pros of using reclaimed timber flooring

Unique colors

The fresh-cut timber has a uniform color based on the species, while reclaimed timber flooring is available in unique variations. It is due to years of exposure to elements that have darkened or faded in different spots.

Individual characteristics

The ratings of durability for timber differed based on its natural hardiness and strength. Old wooden structures have been constructed using matured trees, which reveal hardy and strong characteristics. These features grow harder with exposure to elements for years. The grain characteristics and texture is bold in multiple kinds of reclaimed woods. The grain gets highlighted as time passes. The timber decking sanding services enjoy working with the unique and vintage details in their flooring projects. The timber flooring design that features fading & weathering effects or big bolt holes is looked for.


Reclaimed timber flooring is a great option for homeowners who adore the rarity and beauty of exotic lumber flooring. It is a sustainable option and you can find a rare species of reclaimed timber flooring sourced from the old forests.

Author’s Bio

Alex writes exclusive guest posts for Busy Fox – Better SEO Services. BusyFox is customer-oriented and you can trust their competence in helping different brands and different sectors gain visibility and enhanced traffic. Contact BusyFox to learn more about their digital marketing practices and outcomes.