February 12, 2025

Proper nutrition at Steroid Cycles: how to choose protein source

Proper nutrition is an image of a meal that allows you to qualitatively improve your life with the help of the following features:

Improving the energy potential of the body. Conditionally: the average person can reveal his energy potential by 40%. Adherent of proper nutrition – by 80%. We are what we eat. The more correct “fuel” is in our stomach, the more energy we get. The lower the quality of the “fuel”, the less energetic, more passive and lazy a person becomes.

Improving the body. Proper nutrition is an opportunity to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, hormonal and lymphatic systems of the body. The efficiency of all internal organs increases, and various diseases are prevented. The symptoms of many diseases that have plagued you for Steroids for Sale are receding.

Increased overall and quality life expectancy. Proper nutrition saves the body’s regenerative resources, which makes it less likely to get sick, live longer and better.

Improving the appearance. Proper nutrition eliminates excess weight, improves skin condition and general appearance of a person. A person’s appearance is highly dependent on the “fuel” that he uses.

Improving the efficiency of the motivation and incentive system. The neurotransmitter dopamine is responsible for motivation for any action. Junk food reduces the sensitivity of dopamine receptors, makes a person lazy and lethargic. The work of the incentive system is disrupted, the achievement of any goals is difficult.

This is only part of the benefits of good nutrition. From improving the appearance to solving psychological problems, which are often a game of the hormonal system. From weight loss to increasing muscle mass to the ability to get many times more pleasure from life.

Is this not enough to give up gluttony? Then read on!

The principles of good nutrition

  • Proper nutrition is based on principles, the understanding of which eliminates the need for knowledge of many particulars. The principles of proper nutrition are as follows:
  • Limitation or complete exclusion of junk food. Junk food includes:
  • Fast food. Fast food is a mixture of trans fats, chemical additives and the harmful combination of BJ-U (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). This is the most junk food that destroys your metabolism.
  • Roast. It is not a matter of cooking, but the consumption of trans fats – fat freaks, into which the oil turns when heated. This food slows down the metabolism, harms the cardiovascular system, provokes the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Any food that you feel bad after eating. You can endlessly talk about the benefits of milk, but if you turn it inside out after it, this product personally does not bring you any benefit.
  • Sweet foods with a high glycemic index. They provoke diabetes, slow down the metabolism, worsen energy, promote weight gain.
  • Excessive salt. It provokes the development of edema, upsets the water-salt balance of the body.

We stop the meal before the feeling of full satiation. “Full satiety” is always overeating. Evolution has shaped the human need for food in such a way that we constantly overeat – this is a natural defense against hunger. Now there is no hunger, but our “monkey firmware” does not know about it. The consequence is not only the epidemic of obesity, but also total laziness – the lack of motivation due to a glut of tasty food.

Calorie count and BJ ratio. The best way is to get 20% of calories from protein, 20% from fat and 60% from carbohydrates. The proportion may vary, but you need to focus on these numbers. There is no need for an accurate calculation, but you need to know the approximate amount of nutrients consumed.

Consumption of 1.5 to 3 liters of pure water per day. The body needs water as a solvent, and not as a component of other drinks. Most earthlings suffer from dehydration: we consume 1.5-3 liters of liquid, but this is not pure water, but tea, coffee, juice and other drinks.

The principle of gradualness says: the transition to proper nutrition should be carried out in several phases. A person who has been eating junk food and fried potatoes all his life will not be able to refuse everything at once. If food is the main joy in your life – a change of worldview should occur in stages. We will talk in detail about the transition to proper nutrition below.

Dopamine detox

Dopamine detox is one of the main benefits of good nutrition. Dopamine is a hormone of pleasure and motivation that is released in response to the following actions:

Sex and sexual activity. The internal system of motivation and encouragement “programs” a person to perform actions that are advantageous for evolution. Reproduction is a key task of every person, from the point of view of nature. Therefore, all mankind is obsessed with sex.

Getting the resources necessary for survival. Money, power, influence, knowledge – depending on the unconscious aspirations of a person, hormones of joy and happiness are released in response to receiving these resources. Dopamine is the reason why businessmen seek to earn all the money in the world, politicians seek maximum power, and scientists look beyond the horizon of the universe.

Sex, money, power and … food. The last pillar of the dopamine system is delicious food. Throughout the history of human development, we have suffered from hunger. Only in the last few decades has the problem of hunger been resolved in the so-called civilized world. To ensure the survival of the human species, a system was created in which the maximum high-calorie food provokes the release of a huge amount of dopamine.

Other internal human needs, such as self-realization, healthy lifestyle, improving the life of mankind, and other secondary, from the point of view of nature, desires, are realized only when there is a shortage in key areas of life.

If you have the opportunity to mate with 50 attractive girls every day – there will be no desire to get other resources, overeat and realize your dreams. The bias in getting dopamine towards the sexual sphere takes away the opportunity to enjoy other components of life. The whole existence of such a person is narrowed to copulation with the opposite sex. More often – copulation of the virtual.

Everything is the same with food. The inability to get sexual pleasure, the unwillingness to work to obtain the resources necessary for survival, gave birth to “food addicts.” People who get the bulk of the pleasure (dopamine) from eating can not even theoretically reach any vital heights.

Your world is limited to your sources of pleasure!

Bad news for “food addicts”: you are doomed to a boring, lazy, and joyless existence. You “eat up” your only life, your mental and physical health.

The only way to get rid of food addiction is proper nutrition. The harmful “dopamine” foods that disrupt the hormonal system disappear from the diet. Naturally (without the development of willpower, discipline, etc.), the focus of the incentive system shifts to other priorities. There is a craving for self-development. A person becomes more successful in relations with the opposite sex, in obtaining the resources necessary for life, in the realization of his dreams.

The dopamine level (level of pleasure) decreases only at first. You threw the garbage (harmful, but pleasant food) out of your life and have not yet managed to fill it with something. After 2-4 weeks, the sensitivity of dopamine receptors increases. The level of pleasure returns to its previous values, but without the habit of destroying you.

Then a “miracle” occurs: the sensitivity of dopamine receptors rises to a normal level, and the level of dopamine (if you start to fill your life) will increase. As a result, a person feels happiness several times stronger than when eating junk food. Dopamine detox occurs, proper nutrition creates the basis for the correct functioning of the system of motivation and encouragement.

Way to happiness

The longer you use proper nutrition, the closer you get to achieving goals that you can only dream of now.

“I want to have a beautiful body, but I’m too lazy to work on myself”, “I want a million dollars, but I’m too lazy to strain for their earnings”, “I want to be in a relationship with an understanding, kind, sincere and beautiful girl, but I’m too lazy to get up from the couch ”- is that familiar?

The main reasons for the impossibility of the realization of their desires is:

  • Low sensitivity of dopamine receptors. The unconscious simply does not see pleasure in what you are consciously striving for.
  • Low dopamine levels. The level of the hormone of motivation is too low to push a person to action.
  • Proper nutrition increases the sensitivity of dopamine receptors, and filling, which follows an increase in the ability of receptors to take pleasure, increases the level of dopamine itself.
  • Proper nutrition is the “base” for achieving objective happiness. The process of achieving any goal will become easier, happier and more relaxed. You will stop running after the whip, and start running after the carrot.

These amazing changes can be seen from the first days of the transition to proper nutrition.

Switching to proper nutrition

Here is an approximate nutritional scheme with which you can achieve the stated results in 6-12 weeks. The worse you eat now, the longer the system of motivation and encouragement will be restored, the more time it will take to improve health.

Let’s start with the most neglected diets:

  • Initial Nutrition:
  • Breakfast is coffee.
  • Lunch – chips and crackers.
  • Lunch – pasta with a fried cutlet.
  • An afternoon snack is absent
  • Dinner – fried potatoes, fried eggs.

This is an example of a poor diet. This can include any bad eating habits that you personally have. Now we will gradually leave this diet. The “exit” will be made in such a way that the dopamine level does not drop to zero, depression does not begin from the inability to eat your favorite food.

Proper nutrition. Week number 1

  • Breakfast – oatmeal and coffee.
  • Second breakfast – boiled fish (meat, seafood – to taste) and crackers.
  • Lunch – pasta with boiled cutlet.
  • Snack – fruits to taste.
  • Dinner – fried potatoes, fried eggs.

It is not necessary to follow the same diet all week. It is important to grasp the principle by which the diet changes.

Proper nutrition. Week number 2

  • Breakfast – oatmeal and coffee.
  • Second breakfast – boiled fish (meat, seafood – to taste) and vegetables.
  • Lunch – pasta with boiled cutlet.
  • Snack – fruits to taste.
  • Dinner – fried potatoes, boiled eggs.

Proper nutrition. Week 3

  • Breakfast – oatmeal, vegetables to taste and coffee.
  • Second breakfast – boiled fish (meat, seafood – to taste) and vegetables.
  • Lunch – pasta with boiled cutlet.
  • Snack – fruits to taste.
  • Dinner – boiled potatoes, boiled eggs.

Proper nutrition. Week 4

  • Breakfast – oatmeal, vegetables to taste and coffee.
  • Second breakfast – boiled fish (meat, seafood – to taste) and vegetables.
  • Lunch – pasta with a boiled cutlet + protein-carbohydrate smoothie.
  • Snack – fruits to taste.
  • Dinner – boiled potatoes, boiled eggs.

Proper nutrition. Week number 5

  • Breakfast – oatmeal, vegetables to taste and a protein-carbohydrate smoothie.
  • Second breakfast – boiled fish (meat, seafood – to taste) and vegetables.
  • Lunch – buckwheat porridge with a boiled cutlet and cheese.
  • Snack – fruits to taste.
  • Dinner – boiled potatoes, boiled eggs.

Proper nutrition. Week 6

  • Breakfast – oatmeal, vegetables to taste and a protein-carbohydrate smoothie.
  • Second breakfast – boiled fish (meat, seafood – to taste) and vegetables.
  • Lunch – buckwheat porridge with a boiled cutlet and cheese.
  • Snack – fruits to taste.
  • Dinner – boiled potatoes, boiled eggs.
  • Before going to bed – low-fat cottage cheese.

Proper nutrition. Week 7

  • Breakfast – oatmeal, vegetables to taste and a protein-carbohydrate smoothie.
  • Second breakfast – boiled fish (meat, seafood – to taste) and vegetables.
  • Lunch – buckwheat porridge with a boiled cutlet and cheese.
  • Snack – fruits to taste.
  • Dinner – rice, boiled eggs.
  • Before going to bed – low-fat cottage cheese.

Proper nutrition. Week 8

  • Breakfast – oatmeal, vegetables to taste and a protein-carbohydrate smoothie.
  • Second breakfast – boiled fish (meat, seafood – to taste) and vegetables.
  • Lunch – buckwheat porridge with a boiled cutlet and cheese. After 15 minutes – juice + vitamin and mineral complex.
  • Snack – fruits to taste.
  • Dinner – rice, boiled eggs.
  • Before going to bed – low-fat cottage cheese.

For 8 weeks from three meals a day with junk food and food prepared on trans fats, we switched to a full healthy fractional food.

A weak, weak-willed, lazy, petty person died during these 8 weeks. The best version of a man came into being, the meaning of whose life some 2 months ago was the thoughtless absorption of harmful food.