February 12, 2025

Akoya Pearls – How to Choose the Right Pearl Size!

Akoya cultured pearls are famous throughout the world for their classy appearance. Besides, they look pretty shiny like a mirror and this is the reason why women love to wear Akoya cultured pearl jewellery.

These pearls are formed in the Japan pearl farms and the first Akoya pearl was formed in the early 1920s. There are few people who think that cultured pearls are low quality pearls. If you have similar kind of opinion about cultured pearls then you are completely wrong.

Remember that, cultured pearls are also high-quality pearls. Few stores online are selling fake pearls, so you have to be careful while making your purchase. If you are looking for high-quality pearls then make sure that you buy these Akoya cultured pearls from a certified store.

Check the jewellery stores online if you are looking for more options. You will have more options when it comes to online shopping. The main benefit of online jewellery shopping is that you can buy your favourite jewellery sitting comfortably at your home or office. Hence, you need not have to cancel your work schedule anymore now to buy your favourite gemstone jewellery.

Akoya Pearl Size

The size of Akoya pearls start from 4 mm and available up to10 mm. anything below 7 mm size are generally considered to be below average sized pearls. Besides, their cost will be generally less when compared to the large sized pearls.

Pearls with size more than 9 mm are generally popular in the market. Hence, you could choose pearls which are more than 9 mm in size to look attractive. Akoya cultured pearls come with necklaces, bangles, bracelets and earrings as well.

Does the price of a pearl only depend on its size?

Remember that, the quality of a pearl is no where related to the size of the pearl. In fact, both quality and size are 2 different properties and this is the reason why the price of a pearl depends on both quality and size.

Hurry up! Buy your favourite Akoya cultured pearls necklace and earrings from online stores today!