February 12, 2025

How to Avoid and Prevent Cyberattack and Ensure Cybersecurity?

The NCPS or the National Cybersecurity Protection System delivers varieties of supports to promote cybersecurity such as detecting intrusion, analytics and preventive measures to avoid intrusion etc. The NCPS further supports to defend the federal government’s information technology infrastructure from numerous cyber threats and by promoting us cyber security through the department’s cybersecurity mission.

The NCPS’s cybersecurity strategies are called EINSTEIN set of capabilities and the responsibilities of NCPS with regards to protect the users from cyberattacks are articulated in the CNCI or in the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative. However, in spite of numerous cybersecurity measures, the incidents of cyber-attacks are growing in quantity and quality. Therefore, everyone who uses a computer connected with the internet or who has a website irrespective of the nature of the website should take care of their own cybersecurity and avoid or prevent cyberattacks.

The cyberattacks can target and use your website, computer, mobile phones, gaming devices as well as other internet-enabled devices. The most important loss they can cause is identity theft and can block access to your website or devices along with deleting or corrupting your data. They can also target children and can cause devastating problems in your business services, power and transportations.

In order to primarily protect your website as well as internet-enabled devices as well as to avoid and prevent cyberattacks, you need to regularly update your operating system and software, should always use strong passwords and two-factor authentication, must always alert for activities that are suspicious and must never click on the cases of doubt and never provide personal information, always use encrypted emails, and make it a habit to create backup files. You should do all these both for your home as well as the business network.

By using appropriate preventive strategies to avoid the cyberattacks, you can not only protect your website and internet-enabled devices you can also protect your business, your family members, and your property including your children. Always use the sites which have https and make sure that you are using a virtual private network or popularly known as VPN which usually creates a secure connection.

If you notice strange activities in your website and other web pages such as your online bank page, or strange accounts on your credit report, or people receiving emails which you never sent etc. immediately change the password, and scan and clean your devices. Sometimes, it may not be easy to scan and change your password etc. In that case, put off your computer and take it of a professional and clean your system.