March 12, 2025

Which Food Is Most Helpful During Eye Infection Treatment?

Eye infections usually occur due to the entry of pathogens like virus, bacteria or fungal spores that attack any part of the eyeball or surrounding tissues, including the clear front surface of the eye (i.e. the cornea) and the thin membrane lining the outer eye and inner eyelids (i.e. the conjunctiva).

These eye infections are usually characterised by intense pain, red or swollen eyes, eye discharge, watery or dry eyes, light sensitivity, itching, double or blurred vision. The most commonly occurring eye infections include conjunctivitis, Acanthamoeba keratitis, Viral keratitis, Fungal keratitis, Endophthalmitis, or Trachoma.

Although it is strongly suggested to visit an ophthalmologist, several studies suggest that a well-balanced diet holds high significance in keeping your eyes healthy. Including foods rich in nutrients like vitamins A, C, E, copper, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, omega 3-fatty acids and beta carotene in your daily diet are not only vital for eye health but also prevent developing certain eye infections like glaucoma, poor night vision, cataract and age-related macular degeneration.

Try maintaining a balanced diet by incorporating green vegetables, fruits, dairy options, and proteins. One must also reduce the intake of processed food, saturated fats and over spicy food items to facilitate quick healing and recovering from eye infections.

Foods That Enhance Eye Health:

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits rich in Vitamin E and C hold the topmost priority in alleviating eye infections and uplifting vision. The abundance of antioxidants in fruits like orange, lemon, and grapefruits extensively prevent cataracts and age-related eye damage.

Nuts And Seeds

The presence of high levels of Omega 3-fatty acids and Vitamin E in nuts shields the eye from free radical damage that targets the healthy tissues and blood vessels within the eye and enhance the eye health. Hence include a wide variety of nuts like almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, peanuts, walnuts and seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds to improve the vision and prevent infections.

Dairy Products

Dairy products like milk and yoghurt are crucial for eye health. Vitamin A present in the dairy food options protect the cornea while the adequate quantity of zinc present in them help in transporting vitamin A from the liver to the eyes. The essential nutrient Zinc is found throughout the eye and is extremely beneficial for night vision and preventing cataracts.


Loaded with Vitamin A and beta carotene, these orange-coloured tap roots are quintessential for eye health. Vitamin A which is a component of the protein rhodopsin present in the eye helps the retina to absorb the light thereby facilitating smooth vision without any strain or disturbance. Just toss in some sliced carrots into your salad or make a soup out of it and say cheers to enhanced eye health.


Apart from citrus fruits, even leafy green vegetables that are rich in both lutein and zeaxanthin are a good source of the eye-friendly vitamin C. These plant-based form of the essential C and A Vitamin not only diminishes the risk of long-term eye diseases like Age-related Macular Degeneration and cataract but also improve the overall immunity thus preventing from a host of infections that might indirectly infect the eye as well.