March 11, 2025

What It Means To Be Fit And How To Know If You Are

Being a healthy person and being fit are not synonyms, but they are very important related. A professor at the High-Performance Sports, training and fitness science centre, told BBC News. The mistake is to define the state of form of a person based on minimum marks or a certain physical aspect. First, we should prevail what we call a state qualitatively before talking about the quantitative one.”

More Quality Than Quantity

The Spanish physical trainer explained that from a qualitative point of view it is considered that “a person enjoys a good state when he undergoes a medical check-up and everything goes well, has an adequate diet, is psychologically stable and practices regular sports at a recreational level and enjoy it.”

Under this definition, the most important thing is the general well-being of the person, as if he has an excellent physiological function that the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the musculoskeletal system, the joints, the bones, the muscles and the muscles work properly.

The quantitative, on the other hand, refers to something more tangible, to a physical condition that is valued based on standard measures that determine the degree of form in which a person is.

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“These are measures that can range from what percentage of fat the body has to how many pushups a person can do,” said Marco, who added that “here we would be talking more about a state of physical fitness.”

Are You Fit?

According to the Department of Health and Social Services of the United States, this would be “the ability to be able to do daily physical activity vigorously and attentively without suffering excessive fatigue.”

The HHS states that physical fitness includes several components that consist of cardio respiratory endurance, endurance and strength of skeletal muscles, flexibility, balance, reaction movement speed and body composition.

  • At the cardio respiratory level, which is the maximum volume of oxygen VO2, the amount of oxygen that our body can absorb, transport and use at any given time during exercise, a man should have at least 40 milliliters per minute per kilo of mass body, while a woman a minimum of 35ml.
  • At the level of body fat percentage, a man would have to be below 17% and a woman 24%.
  • As for pushups, the woman should be able to reach 20 and the man at 30. Follow the link for outdoor fitness tips. træne udenfor
  • In dominated or bar, which is one of the most difficult among the exercises with self-loading, they would be a minimum of two for women and six for a man.
  • At the power level of the lower train is measured with a longitudinal jump, with the feet together and from neutral. Here the woman should reach 175 centimeters and the man 250.
  • In Cooper’s famous test, which is about trying to cover as much distance as possible in 12 minutes, a woman should travel 1,900 meters and a man 2,200.

It should be remembered that they are established averages based on statistics and that they can vary from person to person.

That is why an excellent physical condition does not always guarantee good health because many other variables such as a balanced diet and adequate rest is needed.

After all, “being fit” is not a simple equation of listing the physical activities you can do or for how long, but a set that encompasses general aspects of a person’s life.