March 12, 2025

Omega 3 6 9 and its properties for good health

Omega 3 6 9 is a fundamental nutrient for the proper functioning of the human body and to prevent diseases. You can indeed find each one separately, but it is even better if you can have them together.

  • We invite you to learn everything you need to know about omega 3 6 9. For example, in this article, we will answer questions: What is it for? Where can you find it? 

What is Omega 3 6 9?

Omega 3 6 9 are essential fatty acids for the proper functioning of the human body. Each can be obtained separately. The best known is the Omega-3 that is present in bluefish. Omega 6 and 9 are mainly in vegetable oils. It is also possible to obtain them from some vegetables.

But there is no need to locate them one by one or prepare a diet based on these elements, as there are numerous pharmaceutical products that already contain Omega 3 6 9 in the right amounts for your body. So you can get food supplements.

What is Omega 3 6 9 for? Properties and benefits

Within the properties of Omega 3 6 9, we find that they are unsaturated fats, good fats for the body. They contain essential amino acids. They also have the acids DHA and EPA. Each of them helps the body to fulfill essential functions. So let’s see what it is for:

  • Strengthens defenses. Providing necessary acids for the body allows regulating basic functions, making the immune system mature and robust enough to deal with any virus.
  • Strengthens the nervous system. Studies have shown that fatty acids help keep the brain active and contribute to physical and mental agility.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is the body’s natural way of defending itself against some diseases. However, it requires help to recover its normal state. For this, the Omega contains linoleic acid, which stimulates the production of proteins and resolvins. In this way, the body begins the process of inflammation. Thanks to this, you get great relief, especially from those who suffer from arthritis.
  • Helps circulation and the heart. These essential fatty acids perform a much-needed function by preventing blood clotting and removing harmful fat that accumulates in the blood. They also achieve a great decrease in cholesterol and triglycerides.


  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It is anticoagulant
  • It has properties that stimulate neuronal health.

Benefits of Omega 3 6 9 in health

  • Consuming Omega 3 6 9 benefits the immune system
  • Combats and prevents joint pain (Arthritis)
  • Benefits the circulatory and cardiovascular system
  • protect eyesight
  • Eating a diet rich in Omega 3 6 9 benefits the brain, skin, and hair.
  • Keeps cholesterol levels in check

How to use Omega 3 6 9?

For all those above, you can notice the importance of ingesting Omega. It does not matter if it is 3, 6, or 9. The ideal is that you have all three constantly. You can use food supplements to have all the nutrients it provides to the body.

  • Orally. It is the simplest and most common option. You can find pills that contain omega 3 6 9 in the amounts prescribed by experts in the field. Of course, it is better to consult with your pharmacist or doctor to ensure that this dietary supplement is the one you need.

Interestingly, the human body is not designed to produce omega 3 and 6; hence you must consume them to enjoy its benefits. And although the body can produce omega 9, it is only possible for it to do so if you have already ingested omega 3 and 6.

Since they are so necessary, you must include them in your diet. For example, omega-3 is present in fish meat such as salmon, krill, mackerel, also in vegetables, seeds, flaxseed, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of Omega 3 6 9

Omega 3 6 9 is already part of the diet of the vast majority of people, thanks to the many benefits it brings to the human body. So let’s talk about some of its consumption advantages below.


  • Your energy will increase. These gamma-linolenic acids for the body contribute to better blood circulation. All this will allow your body to better assimilate the nutrients from the food you eat. That way, the energy of your body will be much higher.
  • You will control the amount of fat and cholesterol in the body. Since these are the main cause of problems in the heart and other essential organs, their daily consumption is essential.
  • Better quality of life. Feeling that your memory improves, your ability to learn increases, you sleep better, among others, are some of the advantages offered by consuming omega 3 6 9. All this is possible thanks to the fact that Omega stops the natural degeneration of brain and the cells that are connected with him.


Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages to its consumption. So let’s talk about them to help you make the best decision.