March 11, 2025

Is your spouse cheating on you: Catch ‘Em

You have started putting pieces together of new signs appearing in your otherwise perfect marriage. Before you climb the detective wagon, just think about the consequences if your worst suspicions come true. Once you start investigating, be prepared to find any kind of information good, bad or ugly. Infringements on the privacy of your partner can cause serious problems and some of them may even be illegal by law. But how does one satisfy the suspicions on a potentially cheating partner? Start your search with the digital receipts. 

If you share an online account with your spouse or have access to their account, look for digital receipts of jewelry stores, hotels or restaurants that you as a couple have not been to. People are clever enough to hide their paper trails, but often get busted on the virtual front. An augmentation on the flyer miles and credit card points should also be a cause of worry.

Phone is the Devil

You can turn on the location setting on your partner’s phone and easily track them. With the advent of the GPS technology, you can even sneak a peek at your partner’s location history. The frequent visiting locations can be tracked on a phone or maps. You can check on the search history of your spouse’s browser on their phone or computer. 

They could be accessing dating sites or other hook up services with attractive strangers. Once you put in certain search parameters, auto fill automatically shows the search results related to it that were previously explored. Start by typing each letter of the alphabet and check for anything suspicious that pops up!

The Virtual Arena

One of the most common habits of cheating partners is sending photos and videos. Although they spice things up in the affair, they may prove as concrete evidence in the event of divorce proceedings, if the faithful partner gets hold of them and can download them. 

To avert this situation from happening, they may use a different cloud service to keep these pictures a secret. The techies can also lock up images in an audio file for discretion. It could appear to be a favorite song but contain a steamy shot of someone else. 

Have it all on Record

If you are already certain that your partner is cheating on you, it would be ideal to start collecting evidence of their affair to prove it in court. Recording telephonic conversations on their smart phone is much easier than before. You can even put your old baby monitors in aiding you to listen into your cheating partner’s conversation. 

Be careful to make it a discreet location such as on the couch or bath or behind books. Check if the transmitter signal is clear before you rely on it. You can even buy yourself a digital recorder in the shape of a pen, phone or a thumb drive. When you are looking for information about the best spy software, you can check out as it offers you the latest information.