February 19, 2025

8 tips to follow before moving furniture

The process of transferring the furniture is one of the difficult processes and makes you stand up and think too much before you choose a company from them to entrust it to transfer the furniture to your apartment and in order to facilitate this process for you to take the least effort and time without forgetting anything and in order to facilitate you in organizing your furniture in your other apartment you must follow These steps can do all of this and get rid of the burden of this arduous process

First: Searching for furniture moving companies

First you have to locate the apartment you want to move to and search for a furniture transportation company close to it. For example, if your apartment is located in Nasr City, then search for furniture transport companies in Nasr City in Google. Secondly, after locating the relocation company, ask about them in your vicinity and read customer opinions about them and make sure of Its dealings and when it settles, then we start organizing and arranging.

Second: Determining the priorities before starting the transfer of luggage

You should sit down, set your priorities, write it down, collect all of your important things and papers, write everything on a sheet and specify what you do not want to forget, so that it is easy for you to remember it quickly when you start filling things, and it is possible.

Photographing everything in the apartment with your phone, for example, shapes and connections of wires and photographing the locations of nails in cupboards and curtains, so that it is easy for you to reinstall them again with ease.

Third: Purchase the necessary packaging tools to prepare for the furniture transfer process

One of the most important steps in the baggage transfer process is packaging because it is the one that guarantees the safety of the baggage from deformation and cracking. This step must be implemented carefully and not to rush into it and organize furniture, appliances and special things to protect it from damage when starting to move furniture should go to the places of sale of tools to facilitate the transfer of furniture It is a necessary tools.

Reinforced cartons

Big bags

Bubbles Roll

Strong thread

Plaster (plaster) to stop the cartons

Stretch plastic

     These tools can be filled and packed with your luggage and facilitate transportation, and you can purchase them through electronic shopping sites such as the famous Jumia site, or you can buy them directly from our company.

Fourth: Starting to dismantle luggage

You must specify the luggage that you want to disassemble, such as the cupboard, beds, and doors, and start to disassemble it and put the wood in an organized manner, while keeping nails, joints and small things that have been disassembled in small bags intended for them so that they are not lost with things and for easy access to them later when they are installed again when the furniture is finished moving.

Fifth: Starting the packing and packing of furniture

When filling furniture, you must start with each room separately in order to ensure that you will not forget anything without filling and packaging. We start using the tools as follows:

Reinforced cartons: put all the arms in the flat in the cartons and put small things not exposed to breakage, papers and small devices

 Big bags: Putting clothes, fabrics, sheets, curtains, blankets, and anything. You did not find a place for him in the cartons, and any small tools are in the apartment and put them in a system.

 Bubbles Roll: With this roller you can wrap everything prone to breakage in the apartment such as mirrors – frames – chandeliers – glass – dishes and electrical appliances such as TV, it provides a thick layer of protection to protect it from scratching and breaking

 Plastic Stretch: You can keep your furniture, such as sofas and chairs, from cutting and even keep it clean as it is and not get dirty when moving furniture and have to clean again. You can roll the stretch fabric.

 Plaster and reinforced thread: After filling all the furniture and things in the house in the cartons and bags, we come to the last stage, which is using the thread and plaster to close the cartons, bags, and closing the electrical appliances and chairs, and all the previous furniture that we have covered with stretch and pebbles, and the things that have a box of luggage and appliances such as refrigerators and wardrobes Small, we must close all this tightly with a thread or sticky tape so that it does not disintegrate later or open the doors of the luggage, taking into account writing his book all that contain the cartons and bags on it with a pen before closing them for easy remembering and organizing after transferring the luggage.

Sixth: Contact the furniture transport company

After completing all this, contact the furniture transport company that decided from the beginning to deal with it to determine how the issue of transferring the furniture will be done with determining the cost and the number of workers who will come to transfer the baggage with determining the amount of luggage and cartons and bags and the area and height of the apartment to calculate the price and determine the number of cars that will be used To transfer luggage and determine if they will use the winch or not. If you live in high floors with a narrow ladder, you must specify all of this with them from the beginning so that your agreement is clear and does not change later.

Seventh: Choose the apartment to be transferred to carefully

You must make sure that the area of the new apartment is very similar to the area of your old apartment or larger, making sure of the differences in the areas of rooms such as the kitchen and bedrooms, and review the sizes of the furniture such as cupboards and beds until you are sure that you will find a space to cut your furniture in your new apartment and do not fall into a problem.

Eighth: Finally, ensuring everything is safe

After moving everything in your new apartment, the last stage begins, which is emptying the cartons and bags and reorganizing them again and installing wood such as beds and cupboards in a manner that you see suitable for your new apartment and then you must review the paper that you wrote and make sure that you do not forget anything important and that you moved all your comfort and start unpacking the Bubbles Stretch and makes sure that nothing is broken or scratched, and that all objects are intact after moving the furniture.

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